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प्रिय नौजवानों परीक्षा दे दीजिए, फीस बढ़ गई तो दे दीजिए, जैसा आपने बोया था, काट लीजिए : रवीश कुमार

रवीश कुमार

रोज़ाना मैसेज आते हैं कि सर, हमारी परीक्षा रद्द करवा दें। कोरोना का ख़तरा है। वे जानते हैं कि मैं शिक्षा मंत्री नहीं हूं। न ही यू जी सी हूं। फिर भी लिखते हैं। छात्र सुप्रीम कोर्ट भी गए थे कि परीक्षा न हो। 10 अगस्त तक सुनवाई टल गई। यूजीसी ने छह जुलाई को आदेश जारी किया है कि सितंबर के अंतर तक अंतिम वर्ष की परीक्षा पूरी की जा सकती है। कोई छात्र बाढ़ में फंसा है। कोई होली में घर गया तो तालाबंदी के कारण घर ही रह गया। किताब कापी कहीं और छूट गई। इस बीच कइयों के घर आर्थिक तबाही आई होगी तो दिल्ली या पढ़ने के शहर आकर किराया देने में ही पसीने छूटेंगे लेकिन जब कोर्ट से राहत नहीं मिली तो मैं क्या कर सकता हूं। मैं समझ नहीं पाता कि क्या इन छात्रों को उम्मीद करना भी नहीं आता, सिर्फ मुझ लिख देना ही ध्येय है क्या।

दूसरी तरफ कई मेल मिलते हैं। कई प्राइवेट और सरकारी संस्थानों में फीस बढ़ा दी गई है। छात्र अभी फीस देने की स्थिति में नहीं हैं। अनगिनत संस्थानों से ऐसे मेल आए हैं। मेरा इन छात्रों से एक सवाल है। मैं क्या कर सकता हूं। कई बार अपने कार्यक्रम में बोला। यहां भी लिखा। फिर भी वो मुझे क्यों लिख रहे हैं। क्या मेरे खबर चलाने से प्राइवेट स्कूल या कालेज फीस कम कर दें, कई बार दिखाया लेकिन कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ा। अलबत्ता दिखाए जाने पर बधाई संदेशों को डिलिट करने का झमेला गले पड़ गया। क्या इन्हें सिर्फ टीवी पर दिखने का शौक है, फीस कम न हो तो कम से कम दिख जाए। ऐसा तो नहीं हो सकता। तो फिर इनकी बातों का असर क्यों नहीं है। इसके जवाब में कई बार बार लंबे लेख लिख चुका हूं। फीस दे दीजिए। अंत में आप देंगे भी। आपने एक ऐसे समाज की रचना कर दी है जहां बोलना महंगा हो गया है।

नागरिक अधिकार के स्पेस में सांप्रदायिकता और धार्मिकता नागरिकता के बोध को कुचल देती है। हर सवाल को धर्म और सांप्रदायिकता की आंधी से कुचलने का प्रयास किया गया जिसमें आप भी भागीदार थे। आपने जो बाया है उसकी फसल लहलहा रही है। इसका नशा ऐसा छाया है कि आप दुनिया तो क्या घर परिवार में किसी को नहीं समझा सकते। यार दोस्तों को नहीं समझा सकते। तो इस माहौल का मज़ा लीजिए। हर चीज़ नौकरी, शिक्षा और फीस के संदर्भ में मत देखिए। सांप्रदायिकता और धार्मिकता के राष्ट्रवाद का ज़्यादा मज़ा बेरोज़गारी में ही आता है। तो लीजिए। हम बोल बोल कर थक गए। आप जीत गए तो जीत का जश्न मनाइये। इसलिए आप निराश भी न हों। परीक्षा दे दीजिए। फीस बढ़ गई है तो दे दीजिए।

प्राइवेट कंपनी और संस्थानों पर किसी का बस नहीं है। वे आपके नेताओं के पार्टनर हैं। सरकार कांग्रेस की हो या बीजेपी बात यही सही है। कुछ दिन पहले राजस्थान से MBBS के छात्रों ने मैसेज किया कि एक छात्र की फीस 50,000 है और एक की दस लाख ये अंतर क्यों। हम सब NEET पास कर आए हैं तो ये अंतर क्यों झेलें। वाजिब बात थी। इस बात को हम कुछ समय पहले भी उठा चुके थे। जब डाक्टरों से कहा कि बयान रिकार्ड कर दीजिए तो एक डाक्टर हिम्मत नहीं जुटा पाया। हर मैसेज में लिखा कि बिल्कुल दिखाता हूं आप वीडियो में बयान रिकार्ड कर भेज दें। किसी ने कहा भी नहीं कि नहीं दे सकेंगे। डर है। चुपचाप किनारा कर गए। मैंने अपने कार्यक्रम में ज़िक्र किया. जितने डाक्टरों ने शुक्रिया का मैसेज किया सबको ब्लाक कर दिया। ऐसी जवानी से गाली भले मिल जाए, ताली नहीं लेनी चाहिए। हां, मेरे दिखाने से कुछ नहीं हुआ। 

सोचिए मैं इस जवानी के लिए ज़िंदगी जोखिम में डाल रहा हूं। जब डाक्टर नहीं बोल सकता तो ये कैसा देश है, इस देश को ऐसा किसने बनाया, क्या बगैर इन छात्रों के योगदान के बन सकता है? बहरहाल कुछ पत्र यहां रख दे रहा हूं। अलग अलग राज्यों से छात्रों ने लिखा है। इनका एक पैटर्न है। जब चारों तरफ ट्विट करके थक जाते हैं तो प्लान बनाते हैं। मेरे नंबर पर दनादन मैसेज भेजते हैं। इन्हें भी कितनी तकलीफ होती होगी कि जिस रवीश कुमार को गालियां देते हैं उसी को लिखना पड़ रहा है।

मैं इन छात्रों के पत्र हु ब हू रख दे रहा हूं। मैंने कई संस्थानों की फीस के बारे में प्रोग्राम में बोला भी लेकिन कुछ नहीं हुआ। यहां इसलिए लिख रहा हूं ताकि बीस साल बाद जब रिसर्चर इन पत्रों का अध्ययन करेंगे तो पाएंगे जो नौजवान जिस रवीश कुमार को गाली देते हैं उसी को फीस और परीक्षा के सवाल के लिए पत्र लिखते हैं। इतने चालाक हैं कि गाली की बात छिपा लेते हैं। वो और उनका परिवार देखता गोदी मीडिया है, लेकिन आवाज़ उठाने का ठेका देकर गाली देने में मस्त हो जाते हैं। यहां तक कि उन्हीं के लिए लिखे गए पोस्ट पर जब गालियां आती हैं तो यही नौजवान किनारा कर लेते हैं। रिसर्चर यह भी देख सकेंगे जो जवानी नागरिकता के सवाल को कुचल कर , धार्मिकता और सांप्रदायिकता की आंधी में गिरफ्तार थी, वो अपनी पढ़ाई और नौकरी के सवाल को देखती भी थी या नहीं।


Namaskar Sir.

I don’t know if you’ll see this or not magar IIIT Delhi students really needs your help. We’re tweeting on twitter again and again but no one is listening. We’re in from IIIT Delhi University, and the University is charging 3Lac for this year fees with a hike of 15K despite most of the parents aren’t getting proper salary and the UPCOMING SEMESTER WILL BE FULLY ONLINE so we won’t be using college resources like Labs, library, infrastructure and from the documentation of fees breakout of our college on NIRF website, it shows that 22% of our fees is being converted to the salary of our teachers. Yet we’re asked to give that much fees to the college. I really request you to have a look at Twitter with #IIITD fee hike. We want government be it the State or the Central to listen to our complaints. Many of us are studying on loans. We asked the reasons for the fee hike but college administration clearly said no to that. I would really appreciate if you can look into this matter.

I’m mailing you here to keep my identity anonymous as I belong to a lower middle class family and if the college suspend me, that would result in severe damage to my family as well as me., We’re all trying really hard to pull this off sir. And we need media’s support. No one is listening to us. Neither the college not the government., I really request you to listen to us Sir.

It would be really amazing if you could help us Sir. We really want public to support us. We really want government to intervene in this unjustified fee hike.

I hope you’ll look into this matter.


We, the students of Delhi Technological University are facing lots of financial problems due to the impact of covid 19.

However, due to covid 19 our parents income has gone down drastically and our family finance has been severely disrupted.

Due to covid 19 many parents have lost their jobs, some are getting huge cuts in their wages and still their is no security for the job too.

Really sir,  its not possible for our parents to pay the complete college fee in this hard time. Our parents are finding it difficult to fulfill the basis needs of family and this huge  amount of college fee is giving extra burden to them.

Sir, we are humbly requesting you to take up this issue to concerned authorities to grant a fee concession of atleast 50 percent in our annual college fee for the session 2020-21 and at least give us a chance to submit the college fee in few installments or allow us to submit only tution fee and in return we promise you that this year we will come out with the much better result than previous year.

We expect a positive response from your side.

Thank You

Yours faithfully

DTU B.Tech  Students


Good morning sir,

I Am a studend of IHM Ahmedabad

Looking at the current crisis of COVID-19 we are in a state of complete uncertainty about our future. Our country saw a major downfall in income and our families have been facing numerous problems, out of which financial instability is a major concern. With utmost understanding we have been trying to adjust with all other concerns in our day to day life, but the financial instability is a major concern that we are failing to adjust with. Our families have experienced salary cut, unemployment due to this crisis and it’s highly acceptable on our side to request for a fee concession by looking at this harsh situation.

We tried reaching to the respected authorities through numerous emails with a clear objective of fee concession but we were not acknowledged for the same. We have received no replies with the subject of any concession in the fee. Stating the concerns again we have been informed that our academic proceeding for the upcoming semester will be a digitized online session, but since we are not accessing most of the facilities of our college and it is our resources that are being used, we are still being charged with the regular semester fee. It is very unlikely to ask for a regular semester fee when the students would not have any access to many facilities of the college which we used to pay for before. It is only fair to see whether the value of the education facilities matches the amount we have to pay.

In these situations where all the families are perturbed, such a huge amount of fee brings the fear of being “educated in Debt” and is likely to exclude or discourage many bright students who want to realize their full learning potential.

Hence we are forced to address this concern with the higher authorities and request a 50% concession in our fee structure for the upcoming semester and also an extended date of fee payment since we have already been given a short payment deadline. We request to provide a proper extension of payment date either by the mid or end of September so that the concerned families can arrange and act accordingly.



  I am pursuing my btech from academy of technology which is under maulana abul kalam azad university .As per ugc and aicte guidelines college can’t force sem fees but our college gave us several notices for fees payment. Trustee of college decide to reduce college fees 5000 rupees but few days later they sent us notification they if we didn’t pay fees between the date of 31 July 5000 rupees discount will be gone . Today they sent us the notice that  from 1 aug to 22 aug you have to pay full sem fees. You are the only one who have raises this type of issues my father worked in hotel due to pandemic we didn’t get any kind of salary so for students like us can’t sem fees right now



 I am from Samastipur Bihar studying in MCKV institute of Engineering (B.Tech-information technology-2nd semester) in Liluah-Howrah..I have taken loan from Bihar student credit card scheme to pay the college fees..Aur loan waale bina Permotion letter ya result k Paise nahi denge.naahi College Permotion letter de rha or naahi paisa aa rha..aur college ka hamesha notice aata ha ki pees deadline ha  paise paise do..

Even fee concession bhi nahi kr rha ha is pandemic situation ma..Please look into this during Our Prime Time ..please help.

5. Dear sir

Please look into the matter urgently…. I used to follow you from many years… You are the only hope in this country…Navi mumbai is located in maharashtra… There are no of Engineering colleges who are not paying salary to their faculties from 12-13 months… They have not paid even in covid period… How can people survive in this costly city like Navi mumbai….professors are facing problems like starvation…even though they are M Tech or PhD in Engineering…. colleges are collecting money from students and not paying salaries to faculty…. This is happening from last many years… These colleges are belongs to politician’s… There is no one who can listen the voice of teaching faculty… You all know teaching community generally not get involved in distructive activities… but now problem has crossed the limit…

I am requesting you… Please do something for teachers…. Bcoz it affects the education of students who pays regular fees to these colleges

Thanks and Regards

6. respected sir ,

                                 I am a college  student of  UNITED  GROUP  OF INSTITUTION ,PRAYAGRAJ  my  college  is  demanding full fees of rs one lakh seven thousand, neglecting the condition of  many  families due to ongoing covid situation the college administration is urging us to pay this  hefty  sum  ,many of  us  are having  difficult times this year   due to covid situation and this fee structure is totally  not  justified   as we  are  not using many facilities  of our institute like electricity , water , different labs ,internet , libraray , gaming court , gym , book bank etc  . 

           please  cover  this  issue only then we can get some  relief  and save us  from this injustice

7. Sir I am student of ba(Hons) Psychology 5th sem. Awadhesh Pratap Singh University Rewa MP .as well as you know that all students has been promoted by government in next sem. without any examination but amidst this covid 19 pandemic University want to charge examination fees by expecting from students to fulfill exam form.it will be a financial burden for students which is not appropriate.


     I humbly request to you please take  some action regarding this issue so that we student could get rid of this financial burden.

Your sincerely

Student of APS University Rewa mp

8. Respected sir,

I am Shiva Kumar student from PSIT, KANPUR. Resident of kanpur, Uttar Pradesh.

I hereby want to grab your attention on the fees issue.

Sir our college is asking us for fees (full fees including hostle fess).

In this time when we have to go through only online classes.

We have to submit amount of rs 1,25,000 INR

before 25th of july Or we will be removed from online classes and college portal.

After deadline we will be also charged fine.

So sir please if you can raise our point in today’s prime time we will be highly obliged to you.

– (EC-2nd year)


Uttar Pradesh

9. Namaskar Sir.

I don’t know if you’ll see this or not magar IIIT Delhi students really needs your help. We’re tweeting on twitter again and again but no one is listening. We’re in from IIIT Delhi University, and the University is charging 3Lac for this year fees with a hike of 15K despite most of the parents aren’t getting proper salary and the UPCOMING SEMESTER WILL BE FULLY ONLINE so we won’t be using college resources like Labs, library, infrastructure and from the documentation of fees breakout of our college on NIRF website, it shows that 22% of our fees is being converted to the salary of our teachers. Yet we’re asked to give that much fees to the college. I really request you to have a look at Twitter with #IIITD fee hike. We want government be it the State or the Central to listen to our complaints. Many of us are studying on loans. We asked the reasons for the fee hike but college administration clearly said no to that. I would really appreciate if you can look into this matter.

I’m mailing you here to keep my identity anonymous as I belong to a lower middle class family and if the college suspend me, that would result in severe damage to my family as well as me., We’re all trying really hard to pull this off sir. And we need media’s support. No one is listening to us. Neither the college not the government., I really request you to listen to us Sir.

It would be really amazing if you could help us Sir. We really want public to support us. We really want government to intervene in this unjustified fee hike.

I hope you’ll look into this matter.

Thank you

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